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Muhammad Amirul Hafiz bin Anuar, a passionate student from Malaysia with Student Identification Number (NIM) 17086093, continues to show his dedication in the field of Physical Education, Health and Recreation at the Faculty of Sport Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang.

Since joining the study program, Muhammad Amirul Hafiz has been active in various academic and non-academic activities. He is known as a diligent and outstanding student, not only in the classroom but also in Student Organization activities. His ability to manage his time between studying and practicing sports proves his commitment in pursuing his goals.

While studying in the Physical Education, Health and Recreation study program at the Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University, "I gained a lot of practical experience in the field of physical education." He said.

Thanks to his hard work and dedication, Muhammad Amirul Hafiz often receives praise from his lecturers and colleagues. He is also involved in various research projects related to health and fitness, as well as participating in organizing seminars and workshops on campus.

Muhammad Amirul Hafiz's success cannot be separated from the support of his family who always encourage him in every step he takes. He hopes to continue to contribute to the field of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, and bring positive changes to society through the knowledge he has learned.

With all the achievements that have been made, Muhammad Amirul Hafiz bin Anuar has become a role model for other students. He proves that with passion and hard work, all obstacles can be overcome and brilliant achievements can be achieved.

Categories: Student


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