Technology laboratories and digitization of sports learning in an educational institution (LPTK) are very important facilities and infrastructure to support efforts to develop teacher professionalism, especially in the ability to master effective teaching techniques and strategies with the use of technology and digitization of sports learning. The existence of the technology laboratory and digitization of sports learning is specifically designed in order to make it easier for students to observe, study and develop content, media, digital learning instruments and the development of technology-based sports instruments. Thus, prospective teachers or sports practitioners can conduct self-evaluation of their shortcomings when developing their learning. self-evaluation atas kekurangannya pada saat melakukan pengembangan pembelajarannya.

The technology and digitalization laboratory for sports learning is also a place for students to learn to gain knowledge in teaching better, including in terms of classroom management, learning strategies, management and use of models, methods and learning media, developing technology in learning and training students to be more professional in teaching and to become a sports practitioner. With the technology laboratory and digitalization of sports learning, it will be easier to prepare students with skills, good mentality and empirical experience for field practice as students will later go directly to schools, agencies and to become a sports practitioner.

In its implementation, the technology and digitization laboratory for sports learning is used as a place for students to learn in developing technology-based and digital learning content, developing technology-based and digital learning media, developing technology-based and digital learning instruments and developing technology-based and digital sports instruments. Through this technology laboratory and digitalization of sports learning, students find it easy to improve their competence. Then, directed learning related to the development of technology and digitalization of sports is also a practical solution to solve problems regarding the provision of skills for prospective teachers or sports practitioners who want to further improve their professionalism as educators or sports practitioners. Therefore, it is necessary for students to be accommodated in the technology laboratory and digitization of sports learning.

Categories: laboratorium


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