DPO News - "GOLABORATION" is the theme carried by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Padang State University at this EXPO. UNP EXPO is an exhibition of research results and Community Service for UNP Lecturers in 2023. A total of 507 research results and 265 service results were exhibited at the event.
UNP EXPO which was held for 4 days starting from December 4 to 7 aims to strengthen and deepen the network of fellow researchers both internal and external UNP. In addition, UNP EXPO is also expected to be able to attract students so as to generate creative and interesting thoughts and create quality student research.
Some of the results of research and community service lecturers of the Sports Education Department also took part in enlivening this UNP Expo event. Various scientific works that have been tested are exhibited and presented to answer the questions of each researcher's reviewer. In addition to displaying the results of research and service, Sports Education Department lecturers also participated in the stand opened by the Faculty of Sports Science to display directly the results of scientific work that has been officially patented. One of them is a Special Static Bike for Struk sufferers from the research design of Prof. Dr. Nurul Ihsan, M.Pd who is also the Dean of the Faculty of Sports Science.
Rapat Evaluasi Perkuliahan Juli – Desember 2024 dan Persiapan Perkuliahan Semester Januari – Juni 2025
Pada tanggal 22 Januari 2025, bertempat di ruang rapat sidang Lantai II Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Padang, Departemen Pendidikan Olahraga mengadakan rapat evaluasi perkuliahan untuk periode Juli – Desember 2024 sekaligus membahas persiapan perkuliahan Read more…