Growing a Family Spirit to strengthen cohesiveness" is the theme carried out by the Sports Education Department in the 2024 Family Gathering activities held in Bungus Teluk Kabung Padang City on Sunday, February 19, 2024.
This Family Gathering aims to foster a sense of kinship, build and improve intimacy, cooperation and good relations between fellow educators and education staff in the Sports Education Department. In addition, this family gathering is a facility for refreshing, relieving stress and giving appreciation for the hard work that has been done.
The Dean of the Faculty of Sports Prof. Dr. Nurul Ihsan, M.Pd on this occasion really appreciated the activities carried out by the Department of Sports Education in order to establish friendship and intimacy between the big family of DPO. It is hoped that in the future this activity can be carried out outside the city, outside the province and even abroad every year and of course it must be with more careful preparation.
Dr. Aldo Naza Putra, M.Pd as the Head of the Department of Sports Education hopes that through this Family Gathering activity it can fade the barriers that once existed between the DPO extended family, increase friendship, and foster a sense of togetherness. "This family gathering is a form of appreciation from the Department to the Lecturers for their hard work so far".
A total of 150 people attended this activity, consisting of lecturers and education staff and their families. Leaders who took the time to attend the activities this time included Prof. Dr. Anton Komaini, S.Si., M.Pd. as Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service at Padang State University, Dr. Padlli, M.Pd as Deputy Dean 1 FIK UNP. In addition, this Family Gathering activity was also attended by Professors in the Department of Sports Education, including Prof. Dr. Syahrial bakhtiar, M.Pd and family, Prof. Dr. Syahrastani, M.Kes and family.

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