Development of a Holistic Football Training Model Through Talent Identification" became the research that led Atradinal to achieve a Doctoral degree in Postgraduate Education Science at Padang State University. In front of the board of examiners and witnessed directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Sports Science FIK UNP Prof. Nuruh Ihsan, M.Pd who was accompanied by the Vice Dean I and Vice Dean II, also attended by the Head of the Sports Education Department then filled with the support of beloved family members, colleagues, Atradinal managed to convince that his dissertation which uses talent identification in developing a holistic football training model can be something new and can be used in helping the coaching of soccer athletes in Indonesia, especially West Sumatra.
According to Dr. Atradinal, M.Pd, research on the development of a holistic football training model is aimed at training students aged 12 years, and the emphasis on training is greater than the form of learning through games, so that this exercise can improve and improve technical, physical, tactical and mental skills.
Dr. Atradinal is the 2nd Doctor who successfully completed his studies in 2024, hoping that his persistence and seriousness in completing the highest strata level in the world of education can be a motivation for generations of young lecturers at FIK UNP, especially in the Sports Education Department to continue their education to a higher level.
Dr. Aldo Naza Putra as the head of the Sports Education Department said that with the completion of Dr. Atradinal's Doctoral Education, the number of Doctoral Lecturers increased to 17 people. The hope for the future is that new doctors will soon emerge with research that can contribute to the world of sports, especially sports education. He also hopes that there will be several lecturers who want to continue their doctoral programs both inside and outside the country.
The examination went smoothly, so the board of examiners chaired by Prof. Yenni Rozimela, P.Hd as Director of the Graduate School of Padang State University declared Atradinal's graduation with the predicate "EXAMINATION" and entitled to hold the title Dr (Doctor). Congratulations and success for Dr. Atradinal, M.Pd, hopefully blessings in devoting themselves to sharing knowledge for the world of sports, sports greetings
Mahasiswa Penjaskesrek Universitas Negeri Semarang Lakukan Pertukaran Mahasiswa di Penjaskesrek FIK UNP
Padang, 14 November 2024— Sebanyak tiga mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan, dan Rekreasi Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) mengikuti program pertukaran mahasiswa di Prodi Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan, dan Rekreasi FIK UNP sejak 26 Agustus hingga Read more…