The month of Ramadan is a month that all Muslims look forward to, there is a unique habit that is often done during the month of Ramadan by several community groups including the big family of the Department of Sports Education. The routine activity carried out by the PO Department is Buka Bersama with both educators and education staff.

Open Together which was held on Wednesday / April 03, 2024, was different from the open together in previous years. This Ramadan 1445 H / 2024 M the Sports Education Department held an open meal together as well as sharing kindness with the Padang City Orphanage, on this occasion we shared with the Amanah BKS-PA Orphanage in Padang City. A total of 22 orphanage children and administrators were invited to be able to enjoy the warm atmosphere of breaking the fast. The Sports Education Department activity this time carries the theme "Knitting Ukhuwah Fetching Blessings with Silaturrahmi and Sharing Kindness".

The Dean of the Faculty of Sports Science, Prof. Dr. Nurul Ihsan, M.Pd was also present at the breakfasting activity which was held in the second floor courtroom of the Faculty of Sports Science. In his remarks, the Dean of FIK UNP appreciated the activities carried out by the Department of Sports Education, he hopes that in the future positive activities like this can be carried out by all departments in the FIK UNP environment.

The breakfasting activity which also brought Ustad Al Ikhlas, Lc, MA who is a lecturer from the Faculty of Sports Science was officially opened by the Head of the Sports Education Department Dr. Aldo Naza Putra, M.Pd who in his remarks said that through this activity, a total of 125 lecturers, education staff and retirees of the Sports Education Department and their families were present to release each other's longing and stay in touch, and forgive each other. In addition, this activity is from our endeavors to become devoted servants of Allah. We hope that this Ramadan safari can increase the intensity of our concern for others. It can create a dialogic atmosphere with the people around us. In accordance with HR. Bukhari No. 13 about "The faith of one of you is not complete until he loves his brother as he loves himself" Barakallah.

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