Menghasilkan Calon Guru Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga Dan Kesehatan Di Sekolah Yang Berbasis Kearifan Lokal, Unggul, Bermartabat Serta Berkarakter Di Tingkat Internasional
- Organizing a professional, superior and quality academic education process in the field of physical education, sports, health and recreation based on devotion to God Almighty.
- Carrying out research in the field of physical education, sports, health and recreation at the national and international levels and disseminating knowledge.
- Carry out community service as an application of knowledge in the field of physical education, sports, health and recreation for the progress of the nation.
- Organizing cooperation both locally, nationally and internationally in cross-sectoral competence with stakeholders.
- Producing graduates of physical education, sports and health personnel who have competence at the primary and secondary education levels
- Producing effective and efficient graduates in the field of physical education
- Creating graduates who can compete on a national and international scale
- Producing graduates who are able to adapt to changes in the field of physical education, sports and health in accordance with the needs of society both nationally and internationally
- Producing graduates who are able to carry out research in the field of physical education, sports and health
- Producing graduates who are able to carry out community service in the fields of physical education, sports, health and recreation
- Producing graduates who have high competitiveness